منتدى عرب فلوريدا Arab Florida
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

منتدى عرب فلوريدا Arab Florida

ملتقى طلاب فلوريدا، عرب فلوريدا، ولاية فلوريدا، أورلاندو، تامبا، جاكسنفل، مالبورن، ميامي، كوكو بيتش، UCF USF
الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول


 المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد الرسائل : 178
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/12/2008

المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS   المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 14 فبراير 2011, 7:11 am


سولف و احكي قصة !

إذا فيه جزء يمكن أن تستعد له فـ هو جزء المحادثة.. و إذا فيه جزء يمكن أن يرفع من درجتك فـ هو جزء المحادثة


listening : 4.5 reading : 4.5 writing : 4.0 speaking : 7.0

النتيجة النهائية = 5.0

لهذا بدأت فيه بالشرح

عاد تسدأو بالله ؟؟؟ قولوا و نعم بالله !!

أنا كنت أقول حق نفسي... ماذا لو سألني عن السياحة و السفر !!

و كانت المفاجأة...أن الأسئلة فعلاً كانت عن السياحة و السفر

* قل آراء و ليس حقائق

الإختبار مو عشان يقيمون ثقافتكم العامة و مدى صحتها.. بل قدرتك على التحدث بفعالية

سألني سؤال.. أيهما أفضل استخدام الإيميل أم المكالمات ؟

أنا أضفت من عندي أن كثير من الناس يعتمد على SMS !... ثم انتقلت للتحدث عن أفضلية الإيميل

هل ممكن أن يقول أحد بأفضلية المكالمات ؟!!.. طبعاً ممكن !... لإن هذا رأي و هذاك رأي آخر

فـ الحوار اعتبره ودي كأنك جالس مع صديق


اختبار المحادثة مقسمة إلى 3 أجزاء
- الأول : أسئلة عامة عنك انت
- الثاني : نقاش حول مواضيع عامة
- الثالث : نقاش مفصل عن الجزء الثاني و تشرح و تسناد آرائك و أسبابك و توقعاتك و خططك المستقبلية

الجزء الأول

ستسأل سؤال عام عن نفسك و عائلتك و وظيفتك أو دراستك و اهتماماتك

و مواضيع عامة مألوفة

1. Please describe yourself.
2. Please describe your family.
3. Please describe your home.
4. Please describe some of your interests.
5. Please describe your job.
6. Please describe your studies

في هذا الجزء بالذات هو فرصتك لكسب أكثر الدرجات... تقدر أن تعد العدة له... اكتب الإجابة و راجعها...و احفظ و تمرن و كرر ما ستقول كثيراً... حتى تصل لدرجة الثقة... لتتحدث أمام الممتحن بكل هدوء و اتزان و أريحية...و نطق واضح و تركيب جمل سليمة... طبعاً لا تبين إن هذا الكلام إنته مجهزنه من قبل.... يعني لا تتكلم مثل الرجل الآلي

بعض الأسئلة تكون إجابتها
yes / no
أو إجابة بكلمة واحدة.... لكن حقيقة هذه النوعية من الأسئلة قد تعطيك وجبة دسمة لإلقاء قصة

مثلاً :

ما هي وظيفتك ؟!!
الإجابة المختصرة: أنا أعمل كذا ...

الإجابة المطولة: أنا أعمل كذا ... و التحقت بالعمل في شركة كذا في سنة كذا ... كنت مسؤول عن قسم كذا ... بدأت العمل بمنصب كذا ... ثم رقيت إلى منصب كذا ...

أليس واضح أنك تستطيع أن تحفظ هذه الجملة و تلقيها بإتقان

الجزء الثاني

ستعطى ورقة للتحدث عن موضوع معين... و عندك دقيقة واحدة لتدوين ملاحظاتك و ترتيب أقكارك
عندك دقيقة أو دقيقتين للتحدث عما كتبت... و لا تتوقف حتى يطلب منك ذلك الممتحن نفسه
سيقوم هو بطرح سؤال أو سؤالين عن الموضوع
احكي قصة

أخبر بقصة حدثت لك أو سمعتها... في هذا الجزء هو سلاحك القوي في هذا الجزء
سـ تتحدث بطلاقة... و ستلفت نظر الممتحن إلى مستواك الجيد في الإنجليزية... و سيظهر في أسلوبك الحماس و الثقة لإنك أنت بطل القصة... لدرجة قد تصل بأنك أنت من تحدد مسرى المحادثة... و تتوقع الأسئلة المطروحة بناءاً على ذلك

أيضاً هذا الجزء يمكن أن يحقق لك نتيجة طيبة.... حاول أن تسترجع بسرعة موقف حدث لك شخصياً... هدف لطالما اجتهدت فيه و في النهاية حققته... شيء قد يكون متعلق بالماضي بدراستك بعائلتك بمشروع... المهم أن توضح عناصر القصة الرئيسية... و تلقيها بسلاسة
و تذكر
أنا نفس القصة قد تكون الإجابة لـ أكثر من سؤال نقاشي مختلف !!... ضع في ذهنك قصص مجهزة لـ ترويها
يعني ... تتذكر قبل المقابلة مواقف مشهورة مرت بك... و تدرب في إلقائها و ذكر تفاصيلها... و عند الإمتحان

حاول أن تجد جسور الربط بين مواقفك و بين السؤال المطروح... و من ثم عليك صياغة القصة في ما يخدم السؤال
لا تطيل كثيراً في القصة... بحيث أن الممتحن لا يعرف متى ستنتهي... و يمكن أن تحل هذه المشكلة... بعمل وقفات بسيطة و أنت تلقي القصة... فإذا استمر الممتحن في النظر أليك أو سأل سؤال عن القصة... استمر في إكمالها... هذه الوقفات تعطي الممتحن فرصة لإيقاف التكلم عن هذه النقطة... و طرح السؤال عن موضوع آخر

الجزء الثالث

ستدخل أنت في نقاش مع الممتحن حول الموضوع المطروح في الجزء الثاني... لكن بعمق هذه المرة

هنا ستظهر مقدرتك على التواصل باللغة الأنجليزية بكفاءة و فاعلية... و عليه يتم تقييم أدائك في الإختبار


أن الأسئلة ستدور حول القصة التي ذكرتها في الجزء الثاني... و هذا من صالحك لإنك أعددت لها مسبقاً

الـ آآآآآ

لإنها تعبر عن التردد و عدم الثقة

إذا أردت أن تفكر فـ فكر بصمت... خذ ثواني بسيطة لتجميع ردك في رأسك قبل أن تجاوب

الوتيرة الواحدة
لا تتحدث بنمط واحد طووول الاختبار... يعني تكون مملاً... نفس بعض الاساتذه في الجامعات... نفس الوتيرة ... من بداية المحاضرة إلى نهايتها... و تلاقي نص الصف راقد


خذ الأختبار كأن قاعد تسولف ويا شخص عادي... فتضحك و تبتسم و تقول نكته و و تتكلم عن موقف حدث لك... استمتع بالحوار... بلل ريقك قبل الإمتحان... كن مرتاحاً و لا ترهق نفسك في الليلة السابقة للإختبار بالسهر


الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 178
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/12/2008

المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: مثال للمحادثة   المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 14 فبراير 2011, 7:15 am

بشهادة أحد مواقع التدريب على المحادثة هذا مثال ممتاز للمحادثة

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عدد الرسائل : 178
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/12/2008

المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS   المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS I_icon_minitimeالإثنين 21 فبراير 2011, 1:37 am

ما يخص speaking

How to do Better in IELTS Speaking Test?

First of all practice. This is the key to all the different modules of IELTS. Below you will find a separate section devoted to practising the IELTS General Training Speaking Test.

When you are in the test, smile and look the examiner in the eye. Try and be friendly and look as though you are enjoying the conversation. This has a big effect on the examiner. If an examiner has to talk with someone who doesn't talk much, doesn't smile at all and who clearly doesn't want to be there, then it has a negative effect on the examiner.

Being nervous is fine. The examiner understands that and will try and put you at ease. But be friendly. It makes a difference.

Don't worry about the occasional mistake. The examiner will expect some mistakes - after all, English is a foreign language for you and people make mistakes in speaking foreign languages. The examiner is not making a note of every single mistake that you make. This would be impossible to do and concentrate on your speaking. He will more get a general impression of your English accuracy so individual errors don't matter. More important is your communication.

You have to talk. Without your talking input, the examiner can't grade you very well. Try and give as full an answer as you can so that you show the examiner that you are comfortable at talking at length and can communicate well. Don't do this to extremes though. When you have finished what you have to say stop. Don't try and force more out as it will probably be strained and repetitive. The examiner will see that you have finished and will give you the next question. Similarly, you won't be able to answer all questions at length. Different people can talk about different questions more and the examiner knows this. If you don't know much about something, say so and then say what you do know. When you're finished, the examiner will give you another question. You can't duck out of every question though - the responsibility is on you to talk.

Don't try and be too clever. Just try and talk normally as that is when you will perform at your best. If you try and extend yourself too much, then that is when you will make the most errors.

Perfection is not needed. You can still make some errors and get a 9 (not many errors though). So don't let making errors upset you. Get on with the talking and concentrate on your communication.

One thing that puts candidates off is that the IELTS General Training Speaking Test is recorded. This is done so that, if necessary, the speaking can be re-marked. If the bands for a candidate's writing and speaking for instance are very different, then the candidate's test is re-checked. If the speaking was not recorded, then this could not be done. This doesn't happen very often. Sample recordings are also sent to the IELTS administration to be monitored to make sure that examiners are doing a good job and assigning the correct bands. So, try and forget that the recorder is there and get on with answering the questions.

Don't forget your ID! You need it at the start of the test.

Don't give yes/no answers unless you continue with a because. It gives a bad impression. If you do give a yes/now answer, you'll probably get a why next anyway.

اسئله على المقابله speaking للمساعده

The following are the Possible Questions from the Interviewer of the IELTS Speaking Test :

1. Introduce yourself.

2. Describe your hometown. What is special about it?

3. Compare your hometown with another town.

4. Describe your country’s education system. What is your attitude toward this system? Do you think it’s effective?

5. Describe the organization you work for. Where is it? What does it do? What is your job function?

6. Describe the process of taking a job in your country.

7. Compare the role of men and women in your country.

8. What is Brain drain? What are the causes and effects of it?

9. Discuss why you would like to visit a particular country. When are you going to visit it and why?

10. Discuss the factors affecting people to have more or less children in your country.

11. Describe a traditional dish in your country. What are the ingredients?

12. Describe the traditional Architecture of your country. Is there something special about it?

13. Compare traditional houses with modern houses in your country.

14. Discuss why you like a special kind of book, music, sports, or film.

15. Give reasons why the divorce rate has or has not increased in your country.

16. Describe a traditional instrument in your country.

17. Describe an important festival in Iran. When is it? What do people do then?

18. Describe the ethnic mix in your country.

19. Describe a traditional garment in your country.

20. What is your favourite colour? Why? What is the relationship between the colour of clothes and the personality of people? What is the relationship with mood?

21. Describe a historical place in your country. Where is it? What is special about it?

22. Talk about mass media. Newspapers and their attractions for you.

23. Describe a traditional /children’s/international/card game.

24. Why do people play games?

25. What is your greatest wish/ one of your wishes?

26. What don’t you know about your future?

27. Why do people collect things? Do you collect anything?

28. Describe an invention before or after computer. Should the governments support inventors? Why do inventors invent?

29. What is fashion? Do you follow fashion? Why do people follow fashion? How do people in your country follow fashion?

30. What is the process of obtaining a driving license/passport/etc. in your country?

31. Describe one of your photos. Where, when and with whom did you take it?

32. Describe the present situation of Tourism in Pakistan. What is the future of Tourism like in Pakistan?

33. Name a book, film, or a piece of music that you like most and say why.

34. Describe IT or a databank system.

35. Why always women cook and men do not in your country? Which is a better cook, a man or a woman?

36. Compare your time with your parents’. What is the same and what has changed since then?

37. How has traveling changed since 100 years ago?

38. Describe your best holiday, party, event in your life. When was it, where and why?

39. Talk about the best present you have ever had in your life. When, why and who gave it to you?

40. In what occasions do people give presents in your country?

41. How do you choose a gift for your friends?

42. What do people do in 4 seasons in your country?

43. What do governments do in case of disasters? What should they do?

44. Talk about the most populated area in your country. Where is it? What is its population? Why is it so populated?

45. Describe a competition you have entered. What was your stand?

46. What is the role of public artworks?

47. Describe a city you have visited and impressed you so much. Why was it so impressive?

48. Compare Iranian eating with other countries.

49. Compare a person who has been in a foreign country with someone who hasn’t.

50. What is capital punishment? Is it necessary to control crime?

51. What do you think will be the world’s greatest problem in 100 years time?

52. What do you think pastime and hobbies will be in 100 years time?

53. What do you know about the wildlife in your country? Who is responsible for its preservation?

54. What do you know about Global Warming? What is Greenhouse Effect?

55. Shopping: who does the shopping in your home? Do you go shopping?
What have you found difficult in shopping?

56. Describe a child that you know. Who is he/she? Your relation, what does he/she like, and how has he/she influenced you?

57. School pressure on children. Is there any in your country? What can be done if there is?

58. What was the most interesting (impressing) period of time in your life? Describe it.

59. What do you think about children's school age? Advantages or disadvantages?

60. What time are children considered to be adults in your country?


IELTS Speaking Test:

Exhausting the Possibilities
Part 1 of IELTS Speaking test will ask basic questions. There are only so many possible basic questions that can be asked about someone. You can easily be prepared for every possibility. Go through and write down all the possibilities and a good answer for each. When you’re asked about your family, don’t have to struggle to come up with descriptions for your family members. Practice ahead of time and know what you’re going to say. Right now as you’re reading this, stop and take a minute to answer each of these folowing questions. If you were asked these in an interview, what would you say?
1. Please describe yourself.
2. Please describe your family.
3. Please describe your home.
4. Please describe some of your interests.
5. Please describe your job.
6. Please describe your studies
This is important practice. Make sure that you can spend a minute or so answering each of these questions without having to take time to think of a good response. These are basic questions and you should have your basic answers ready.

Tell a Story
Movie making is a multi-bilion dollar industry. Why? It’s because everyone likes to hear a good story, and the best movies contain great stories. The Speaking Module interview can be a big aggravation for both sides. Usualy, it is tense, uncomfortable, and boring for both the interviewer and the test taker.

Think about your favorite relatives. In many cases, they are your favorite because they are such raconteurs, or good storytellers. These are your aunts and uncles that can turn a simple trip to the grocery store into high adventure and will keep you captivated and entertained. Even if you’re not a natural storyteller, with a litle thought and practice, even you can turn your dull past experiences into exciting exploits.

One Size Fits All
These basic stories are building blocks. Just as a piece of lumber can be cut into many diferent shapes and have many completely unique uses, each of your stories does not only answer one unique question. Your stories are one size fits all. With practice you will find that you can use the same story to answer two seemingly unrelated questions.

For example a question about teamwork and working under pressure can both be answered by a story about your experience playing intramural basketball.

The story could describe how you had to work as a team in order to get into the playoffs, spending time practicing together, coordinating plays, whatever was necessary for the team to advance. Alternatively, the story could focus upon the clutch shots that you made that season in order to win the game in the last few seconds of play under enormous pressure. The basic story is the same: your experiences playing basketball.

The questions were diferent, but you customized the story to fit the question. With practice you should be able to answer almost any question with just a few stock stories that can be customized.

Find the Bridges
Some questions will lend themselves more readily to a story than others. You must have a set of basic stories ready that can be modified to fit the occasion.

You must “find the bridges” in the questions offered to make sure your stories get told.

Taking the Final Step
By trying to answer each of your Part 2 questions with a basic story, you will be able to transition nicely into the final step, Part 3. Part 3 questions are based upon your answers to Part 2 questions and will be asked at the interviewer’s discretion. By using the story techniques listed above, you will have already determined the path that the interviewer will take with his follow-up Part 3 questions. The interviewer will naturaly ask questions that tie into your story and you will already be prepared for those questions and will ace Part 3 as easily as the others.

Practice Makes Perfect
Don’t try to answer every question by shooting from the hip. You’ll spend most of your time trying to think of what happened and repeating yourself. Think of the classic stories that you could tell and then practice going over them with your friends, explaining how you successfuly achieved the goal, or took charge and gave leadership to your group project. You don’t want to have the story memorized, because it will become stale in the telling, but you want it to be smooth. This story must be live and in living color, where the interviewer can see himself taking part on the sidelines and watching the situation take place. Have your friends and family members quiz you by asking you random questions and see how well you can adapt to the question and give a lucid response

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
المحادثة -Speaking-IELTS
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 مواضيع مماثلة
»  ماهو (IELTS) بالتفصيل
» أفضل كتب الإيلس IELTS
» speaking English محادثة وإستماع إنجليزي
» بالعربي - Writing Task2 IELTS
» مواقع IELTS - موضوع متجدد

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